Ongoing Weaving (Membership)

Working on the first project
The warping area and project tool cabinets

Ruthie’s is a membership-based nonprofit. Every weaver new to Ruthie’s weaves two plain weave towels with 8/2 cotton. This will teach you how we at Ruthie’s plan a project, read a draft, make a warp, dress the loom, weave your project, and finish it. After your first project, the instructors will either suggest a good second project, or turn you loose to weave whatever you’d like, with, of course, consultation and assistance always available.

The instructors recommend membership when the beginning weaver has completed their initial project(s), and is familiar with studio operations and policies.

  • Tuition: Monthly tuition/membership is, as of January 2025, $175/month, payable at the start of each month
  • Sign Up: We do have a waiting list, but it is moving along. Sign up for the waiting list here

Ruthie’s members may

  • Have the opportunity to weave on any of the looms in the studio
  • Have access to all the studio tools and accessories, including checking out for usage at home
  • Be able to check out books from the library
  • Use the Fiberworks design program on the studio computers
  • Receive ongoing assistance and consultation on weaving projects
  • Use the dye studio (when it is ready!)
  • Participate in studio social events
Kitchenette and Library

As Ruthie’s is a membership organization, all members contribute to the ongoing functioning of the studio by performing a task. Some tasks are:

  • Ongoing loom maintenance
  • Library
    • Building/maintaining the library software and content
    • Recommending books, checking books out and in, and organizing the shelves
  • Classroom and dye kitchen scheduling and billing
  • Event planning and execution
  • Teaching Assistant (teachers recommend)
  • Classroom Host
  • Purchasing studio supplies
    • Yarn
    • Equipment
    • Office supplies
    • Cleaning supplies, paper towels, and toilet paper
  • Computers and Software
    • maintaining the studio computers
    • maintaining/updating software
  • Cleaning (although we are all expected to pick up after ourselves!)
    • vacuuming
    • dusting
    • cleaning bathrooms
    • emptying trash
    • general tidying
    • kitchen
  • Website content creation and maintenance
  • “Pool” – available for whatever task needs more bodies

  • Additionally, if you’ve never woven before or would like a refresher, the Ruth Dabritz Legacy Weaving Project has a three-day class for learning to weave on a floor loom. Its website has a form for signing up for a future class.  This is not a prerequisite for weaving at Ruthie’s.

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