Ruthie’s Weaving Studio is a 501(c)3, member organization for teaching handweaving, primarily on floor looms. At Ruthie’s, you will find:
- Individual instruction for all levels, beginner thru advanced.
- A large variety of looms to learn on, including many 4 and 8 shaft floor looms (mostly Bergman and Schacht looms) a shaft-switching Harrisville rug loom, 4 shaft counterbalance looms, jack and countermarche looms, 16 and 32 shaft Compu-dobby looms, a single unit draw loom…and more!
- All types of equipment available for studio use (raddles, warping boards and mills, different types of shuttles, temples, bobbin winders, swifts, etc).
- Studio library includes MANY reference books and magazines. One of the best weaving libraries anywhere in the Portland area!
- Yarns available for sale include 8/2 cotton, carpet warp, and others.
- Loom and weaving advice available- willing to work with you on your own home loom problems and issues.
- Supportive, friendly atmosphere including weavers with all levels of experience.